Work- Home- Work... Life feels pretty much the same (except for weekends), Yet, feels like it passes away in a blink and bang! A month has just passed, soon a year and then years. Everything can't be so constant or else we'l be brain-dead. Music, Movies, Books, My phone- companions while travelling. Family, friends and collegues- companions for life. Life seems to be moving pretty fast and its very importnat to stop for a while to notice the little moments in life. Apart from your buzy schedule, its necessary to take a break and do the things you love. Make a change, change your day, change your life. Are we so buzy to notice the birds flying across the bright blue sky covered with cottony clouds. The little child smiling at you, hoping to get a smile back in return. Your mother waiting for you to share stories and get into a conversation. Lost lost relatives who hope you'd call them someday. The dusty guitar lying in the corner of the room...
Life is made up of simple things. So try not to complicate. Make the most of it for the moments spent today will be just a memory of tomorrow. Pay attention to little things or you'd never know when those Seconds will become Minutes and Hours to Days to Weeks to Months to Years...