Within the past few years India has undergone a major cultural, financial and social change.Also India has seen a major development of infrastructures and facilities which were not available before.When unemployment had become a major problem, the increasing number of domestic and international call centers and BPO's gave jobs to many thus stabilizing their financial conditions of themselves and their families. The same people who could barely have just two simple meals and day and sufficient for travelling, now ate lavishly, opened saving accounts,built homes, invested for their future and also went for short trips occasionally. And all this for working just for the usual 8-9 hours a day and talking on the phone and assisting. Sounds like a easy dream right? But whats the cost of all this is? there is no day and no night for those working cause of the odd timings, hard work, and most importantly they are likely to receive criticism and a skeptic attitude from the society. Why? why working in a call center is viewed to be a just piece of cake and the efforts, time and hard work that one puts into making that cake is not counted. Don't others with high qualifications and those with socially accepted jobs have bad habits too ? Definitely we need a change in our perceptions and need to know that hellooo!! working in a call center is not as easy at it seems and those working there should not be looked down upon.