Christmas is the reason of the season. Its time to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house with Christmas streamers and lighting And not forgetting the crib where Christ was born. Sweets are ready - Cards- Decoration - Gifts- Planning for Christmas night and much more with so much of joy and excitement from within. Its time to celebrate ! But are we actually celebrating the birth of Christ with the true meaning of Christmas or do we just need a reason to celebrate and party all night long ? Feels like the true meaning of Christmas is being detached over the years.Getting drunk & Sleeping around- spending lavishly on food, outfits and decorations rather than feeding the hungry and helping underprivileged. There are so many things that Christ would not at all be happy about. Are we all so engrossed in other things that we forget the true meaning of Christmas and that Christ was born for a reason- to forgive us and make us better people. A meal with your family, organizing a Christmas party for the underprivileged, aged or orphans by carol singing around the town, wishing far relatives & everyone around with a smile, being secret Santa to someone and so many other things to do. So this Christmas let us all get together and celebrate the birth of Christ and not forgetting the real reason for the celebration.