A Smile That Stays

A facial expression that widens your facial muscles in a smile. Smiling brightens up everything around you, makes the world seem so beautiful. Happiness overflowing from within is reflected in your smiling eyes. Right from the time you were born, till now, you've smiled over a million times. Smiling is good, but sometimes you need to catch the hidden meaning behind it. Probably some of us have witnessed a fake smile (a 2 second smile). Smile that shows how happy you are. Smile that is sarcastic. Smiling in love. Smiling when we are hurt.  Smiling to ward of embarrassment. Smiling to say everything is gonna be alright. Smiling when you are plotting. A smile has over a hundred reasons & hidden meanings. 

Most above all, 
"A Smile is something that comes from within, is pure and will always stay"


Glimpses of life


Bittersweet memories

There are few incidences in Life that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Giving you this cherished feeling of the moment. Every single thing around the moment can be felt. Few memories we prefer to cling no matter how much pain it caused. It is certain that good memories tend to slip away as we hold on to those we shouldn't. At the start everything seems to be in harmony, with time things change leaving bitterness. When must we draw the line? How easy it is to let go? Especially when your instinct warns you time and again. Listen to your mind or follow  your heart is often the delima we are trapped into.
Memories should live for the moment to cherish. Only you know how it felt to be a part of the memory. Bad memories should fade while only the ones worth should remain.